Supplying the best Premix, Aggregate and Building High-quality Infrastructure
Since 1974
Menjadi pembekal utama bahan batuan kuari
To serve as the primary supplier of quarry products
Pemangkin utama sektor pembinaan infrastruktur dan bangunan di Negeri Sembilan
To be the pillar of the infrastructure and building construction sectors in Negeri Sembilan
Mengamalkan sistem amalan kerja dan tadbir urus yang profesional dan berintegriti dengan penekanan pada pembangunan modal insan
Adopt an ethical and professional workplace culture and governance system, with a greater emphasis on human capital development
Membina kepercayaan pelanggan untuk menjadi kuari dan kontraktor pilihan dengan menyediakan perkhidmatan yang cekap dan efektif
To build consumer trust as preferred quarry supplier and contractor by delivering high quality services and efficiency
Bekerjasama dengan pihak kerajaan negeri dalam melaksanakan program-program pembangunan negeri khususnya Negeri Sembilan
Collaboration with the state authorities to implement on state development projects, mainly in Negeri Sembilan

- Treat others with respect
- Share knowledge and embrace disagreements of opinion
- Utilize the diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and strengths of each personnel member

- Transparency and honesty in behaviour
- Adherence to the principles of right or wrong
- Objectivity and authenticity in decision making
- Implement and respect the achieved decisions
- Comply with rules, law and regulations
- Adhere to the highest ethical standards

Profesional (PROFESSIONAL)
- Decisions are made based on data and facts
- Produces error-free work on the first attemp, without the need for rework

- Caring, attentive, and be considerate toward colleagues, stakeholders, other individuals, and the environment

- Maintain, apply and develop the received gifts / Take care of, apply to good use, and build upon the gift or present you have been given and awarded
- Protect, utilize, and develop the people under his or her supervision, as well as the available resources, role and positions given and accepted