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Please provide the following details for any suspected Misconduct and submit directly to the designated person. Please note that you may be called upon to assist in the investigation, if required.

Sila berikan maklumat untuk sebarang kesalahan yang disyaki dan hantarkan terus kepada penerima aduan. Harap maklum bahawa anda mungkin diminta untuk membantu siasatan, jika diperlukan.

There are a few conditions before you fill in the Whistleblowing Form:

  1. Whistleblower’s information may be left blank if the Whistleblower wish to remain anonymous. (Maklumat Pengadu boleh dikosongkan jika Pengadu tidak mahu dikenali)
  2. Please fill in Witness information if you have any witness regarding the issue. (Sila isikan maklumat saksi jika anda mempunyai saksi berkenaan isu tersebut)

What is the nature of your report? (Apakah jenis laporan anda?)

Is there any evidence that you could provide? (Supporting document attached) (Adakah terdapat bukti yang dapat anda berikan? (Lampirkan dokumen sokongan))

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