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Whistleblowing Policy
Inform us of any improper conduct that has been committed or is about to be perpetrated within the NRSB by providing the pertinent information.
Improper conduct may included the following:
- Fraud
- Bribery
- Corruption
- Abuse of power
- Conflict of interest
- Theft or embezzlement
- Misuse of company’s properties
- Any other similar or related irregularities
Alternatively, you may also submit your disclosure through any of the following channels:
Condition 1
Alleged Wrongdoer: NRSB’s Employee
Designated Person: Head of IPAD
- Phone No: 019-626 2542
- E-mail: whistleblower@nrsb.my
- Address: KM 4, Jalan Pajam, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan
Sealed letters with indicative labels such as “To be opened by [name of the Designated Person] only” addressed to Designated Person location
- NRSB drop box at security post & pantry
- Whistleblowing form (Send the form to address/e-mail mentioned above)
- Online Whistleblowing Form
Condition 3
Alleged Wrongdoer: Board Members
Designated Person: Chairman of Board
- Phone No: 019-622 4252
- Address: Km 4 Jalan Pajam, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan
Sealed letters with indicative labels such as “To be opened by [name of the Designated Person] only” addressed to Designated Person location
- Whistleblowing Form (Send the form to address mentioned above)
- Surat layang with proper evidence
Condition 2
Alleged Wrongdoer: Head of IPAD / GM
Designated Person: Chairman of BIPAD
- Phone No: 012-922 2213
- E-mail: BIPADwhistleblower@nrsb.my
Sealed letters with indicative labels such as “To be opened by [name of the Designated Person] only” addressed to Designated Person location
- Surat layang with proper evidence
- Whistleblowing form (Send the form to address/e-mail mentioned above)
- Online Whistleblowing Form
Condition 4
Alleged Wrongdoer: Chairman of Board
Designated Person: Chairman BoD PKNNS
- Phone No: 06-762 2421
- Address: Pejabat Menteri Besar, Tingkat 5, Blok B, Wisma Negeri, 70503 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
- E-mail: yabmbns@ns.gov.my
Sealed letters with indicative labels such as “To be opened by [name of the Designated Person] only” addressed to Designated Person location
- Whistleblowing form (Send the form to address/e-mail mentioned above)
- Surat Layang with proper evidence
- Online Whistleblowing Form